Monday, July 12, 2010

JUL10, 2010: PERSONA; (16 X 20")

1. pl. per·so·nas or per·so·nae A voice or character representing the speaker in a literary work.
2. personae The characters in a dramatic or literary work.
3. pl. personas The role that one assumes or displays in public or society; one's public image or personality, as distinguished from the inner self.

I think sometimes people, including myself, must feel like the mask is getting worn out and cracking... Some days more than others...

the left half/the right half

For an explanation of my art, please click here.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MAR 28 2010: THREE WISE ONES; (31 X 39")

MAR 28 2010: THREE WISE ONES; (31 X 39")
This painting took me almost a year to complete... Not so much because I took a long time painting it, but because other things were going on... I kept hearing it everday calling to me, but I couldn't attend to the poor thing. I am so relieved I have completed it now..

Detail of the Three...

Another detail...

Detail: The Robin...

Detail: The Raven...

Detail: The Snowy Owl...
For an explanation about my art, please click here.
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